TOM FORD AW2017/18 campaign

TOM FORD AW2017/18 campaign

Clothing collection by TOM FORD (autumn-winter 2017/18 season)

Charlee Fraser. TOM FORD AW2017/18 campaign (looks: Sunglasses, black tights)

In the photo: Charlee Fraser

Charlee Fraser. TOM FORD AW2017/18 campaign (looks: black jumper, black trousers, glasses)

In the photo: Charlee Fraser

Charlee Fraser. TOM FORD AW2017/18 campaign (looks: glasses, black tights, black briefs)

In the photo: Charlee Fraser

TOM FORD AW2017/18 campaign (looks: black men's suit)
TOM FORD AW2017/18 campaign (looks: black ankle boots, black tights)
TOM FORD AW2017/18 campaign

article prepared by

photos provided by
photo: Mario Sorrenti

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