Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14

Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14

Коллекция одежды от The People of the Labyrinths. Неделя моды в Амстердаме. Сезон "осень-зима 2013/14"


Торговая марка "The People of the Labyrinths" предназначена для небольшой, но лояльной публики. Эксклюзивность коллекции придаёт сложный, трудоемкий процесс производства, который включает в себя ручное нанесение принтов и окрашивание тканей и одежды. Дизайн, принты и цвета имеют свой индивидуальный почерк.

Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14

Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14

Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14 (наряды и образы: синее вечернее платье, голубые туфли)

Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14
Показ The People of the Labyrinths — Amsterdam Fashion Week fw13/14 (наряды и образы: рыжий цвет волос, чёрное вечернее платье)

материал подготовлен: mod-no.com

фото: Amsterdam Fashion Week
